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"For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away" - James 4:14.

Yesterday I discussed with you 5 things you can do with the problems of your life and i trust you have done justice to them.
I want to believe you have faced your problems and now your life is a problem-free one.

Now that you have resolved the problem, you have your life to you and you alone. It's therefore high time you make the most of Y-O-U-R life now.

I used the acronym Y-O-U-R because they will be pointing to four of the  things needed to make the most out of life.

 1. Y-ield:  "..... but yield yourselves unto the LORD...." (II Chronicles 30:8).
Many individuals have failed to yield their selves completely to God. They hold in reserve a portion of their life for selfish pursuits that in the real sense of it will not make them a better person.

If you study the scripture above, it fully said; "be ye not stiff necked, as your fathers were; but yield yourselves unto the Lord....".

Human have had it in their habit not to give their selves to the Lord, even our fathers!
We prefer to give our problems, pains, battles and troubles and not our time, resources and energy.

Let me chip this in as I fondly say 'your tithing is not complete until you give God ten percent of your twenty-four hours. He's more interested in you than your money! He needs your 2hours 40minutes!

Do remember, 'who you yield determines what you yield'- Oshunbiyi Oluwatobi.

To make the most of our lives, we must yield all to God. I mean both the good and bad of our lives, our all!
'You give all to get all'.

2. O-bey: "....... obeying the truth through the spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren.............." (I Peter 1:22).
Some individuals are not wholly obedient. They lack in love for God and fellow human. I have come to discover that you can't be obedient if you lack love as there are only two People you can sin against, they are Man and God!

If you love your neighbour; you won't steal from him, you will not tell him lies not to talk of killing him. If you love God, you'll have no other god except Him!

To make d most of our life, we must obey the Lord implicitly. All He gave us to obey are for our own good.
Remember: "Isaiah  1:19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land".

3. U-nite: "Ephesians  4:3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace".
Some people are disagreeable. They fail to live in harmony with their families not to talk of others. They make trouble for themselves and others.
There are some blessings that you can't have without relationships as you can't be fruitful by yourself.
You can't give birth if you are competing with those you should be collaborating with.
'Conflict is not your greatest barrier, Complacency is'

I think these words should inspire you to unite!
We must live in unity with others. We must strive to "live Peaceably with all men" (Romans 12:18). Even Romans 12:19 begging us in love plead that we avenge not yourself. All for Unity!

4. R-ejoice: "Rejoice in the Lord always: and again i say, Rejoice" (Philippians 4:4).
Word-web defines rejoice: as to feel happiness/ joy.
Permit me to define it in a way i call my theorem; Re-Joy's.

Re; is a prefix, it means again/anew i.e Joy again or Joy anew.

Most of us do not rejoice as much as we should. We wear long faces and posses negative attitudes. We fail to live triumphantly. But I'm challenging you today; stop thinking about the things He hasn't done - the car you have not bought, the house you have not built, the land you have not acquired, the spouse you have not met, the admission/promotion you are yet to get. All these make you develop negative attitudes. Rather follow my theorem;
Re-Joy's!! Renew the joy you got from the things He has done- the food you eat, the health you enjoy, the life you live and the grace to fight your battles!

If you can't rejoice then re-joy's - Oshunbiyi Oluwatobiloba.
To make the most of our lives, we must rejoice in the Lord. The more we praise the Lord and exude a positive influence, the greater blessings we become and more of God's blessings we receive.
'Praise pays as it raise'- Oluwatobi Oshunbiyi
You are not next, you are now! The only thing you need for what's next is to learn how to use what you've got now!
Make the most of Y-O-U-R life and let it start today.

Oshunbiyi Oluwatobiloba,
CL Blogs.

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