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Word-web dictionary defines problems as a state of difficulty that needs to be resolved.

If I'll be going by the definition of my dictionary; a state of difficulty that needs to be resolved, then the topic at hand calls for a question.

Friends can you scan through you life and see a list of difficulties, struggles and pains that need to be resolved and not dissolved. All i am saying is those problems are to be brought to an end not discarded or avoided.

It's a Monday morning and I'm talking about problems again? Yes! We all associate Mondays for work and business activities, then they can be used for problems resolving too!
I can predict some saying I have not got problems, just challenges, today well discuss shortly about it so you know problems are not challenges, problems are real and we've all got them!

Challenges are demanding/ stimulating situations, they are calls to engage in contest/ fights. Challenges have got requirements all of us have met by design of destiny only if you are not using yours.
They require more than usually expected/ thought due, especially great patience, efforts and skills. Its call in response to ability.. that's responsibility!! You have what is needed to challenge, you've got what you need to fight. But problems? they are difficulties that you resolve not because of your skills/ qualities but by your ability to access and use information; permit me to say Grace.

On how to resolve problems or what to do with them I'll be discussing problem solving with you.

There are diverse of ways people deal with problems created by opinion, emotions and conflicts caused by carnality. Today ill be sharing with you five.

1. They flee from problems: when Christ was arrested in Gethsemane, we read "then all the disciple forsook him and fled" (Matthew 26:56). Following Christ's resurrection, they were piled up in a house with doors shut for fears of the Jews (John 20:19). What they fled from was the possibility of their own death. However, what you run from you will meet again in the future.

Eleven out of twelve apostles that were present in the day of Pentecost died as martyrs, including Peter, who died upside down by crucifixion.

'Your emotions may tell you to flee from a problem when your spirit will tell you to remain steadfast and unmovable', or as Paul wrote; "having done all, to stand. Stand therefore....." (Ephesians6:13-14).

If you ever run from a problem, your reaction will be to run from problems the rest of your life, causing instability for you in other areas.

2. They follow after problems: I have puzzled for some few years back now as young as I am why some dedicated individuals leave a good gathering be it business, social, spiritual with a group of cantankerous troublemakers who stirred up conflict and left a stink in the gathering departed from, and you see this dedicated individuals following after them.  Does it ever come to your mind that they may be following problems and not solutions? Why follow after problems/ difficulty in disguise??

"watch what leads you as what leads you is what you heed and what you heed is the source of the seeds sown into your life, purpose, career, business, marriage, relationships and all".
Wolves come in sheep's clothing, but observe their trail, they still have wolf footprints.

3. They fight over/with problems: A fight always come to an end when one of the two individuals lay down his sword(bitterness), humbling himself and either repenting or walk away. But no one wants to lose in a fight! That's the reason people stay long and remain in a fight like nothing will harm them. Why fight your problems?

Friend you don't do that. Immediately you start fighting your problems, you lose authority and stoop so low to the level of the problem that it doesn't want to lose the fight also.
There are times you don't need to fight over problems, all you need to do is act! I mean resolve them. you just need say the necessary and not argue with your problems.
" You sail by what you say"- Oluwatobiloba Oshunbiyi 

You don't need to fight over sickness, just say to it that; "by His stripes I'm healed"(Isaiah 53:5), you don't need to contend- just say "God will contend with him that contendeth with me"(Isaiah 49:25).

4. They forget the problems: Some people walk away and act as if the problem at had has no impact on them, they have the ability to let problems just roll off their minds and not dwell on them. I call this an ability!
 Paul wrote; "Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended, but one thing i do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of of God in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:13-14).
Paul said he forgets those things which are behind. That is not going to resolve the problems he left behind is what i am trying to say. Those problems are still there behind him intact!

5. They face the problems: This is the only solution for maintaining peace and victory. Coming face-to-face with your problems. A sinner cannot be saved until he admits he is a sinner, neither can a sick person be healed until she acknowledges she is sick.  
You cannot overcome a problem you will not face!

Finally friends, to face your problem is a Grace and I challenge you to 
'ask before you are tasked'!

Ask for the grace to fight your battles and face those problems.

Have a blessed week.

Oluwatobiloba Oshunbiyi,
CL Blogs.

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