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Good morning friends, I am writing on the topic 'seize the day' because i almost would not have written a topic at all today due to some constraints that came up from not seizing the day.
Then I realised it is one thing to see the day and another thing to seize the day! 

If i had failed to write this up still, then I just 'saw' the day. Thanks to God for the grace to 'seize' the day.


Word web: The time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside.
Genesis 1:4-5:
And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

It is important to note that God saw the light, just like everyone of us is seeing the light(day) today. Seeing it was not enough, He seized it.

Below I will be sharing  three things  i have discovered every man should do with the day i mean everyday of our life.
1. See the day: Just like I said earlier seeing the day is not enough but that is the first thing every man must do. We all must do more than to see the day, we must seize the day!

Immediately God saw the light, He swung into action. He started the works he already planned for the day; He separated light from darkness.

'He saw the light that it was good!' Everyday is good by default, and it is man's inability to seize it that makes it a bad- day.
I wonder when I ask a friend after the day and he says he had a bad day. I sometimes wonder why?
To seize is to take old of/ capture by force, and every of the 7.2 billion souls in the world is after seizing the good of the day, when you lapse you must be left with the bad of the day. I hope you will now agree with me the bad(rest) of the day is what is called a bad day.

2. Name the day: "And God called the light Day and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and morning were the first day".
It's also important for you to note that God only called the morning and evening day, He never made mention of the Night.( I think the morning and night makes a complete day).
God named the day, He knew what he wanted in the day; morning-evening, no night, no darkness. Just light!
How do you name your day? Do remember everyday is a good day, Every day contains the light. See it and name it!
Name the things you want in the day, Righteousness, Joy and Peace in the Holy-ghost!

3. Speak:

Joshua 10:12- Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon.

Then Joshua spake to the Lord... Anything you speak to the lord in the day concerning the day is always done! The day contains the light and its the time both God and man works. You have to do all you want to do in the day- Pray, Plan, Dream.... all in the day.
Joshua said it in the sight of Israel.... What do you say into the day? Can you say those things before God, your friends, family members, colleagues and all?
Be positive about your words and be confident about them because they will come to pass.
The sun and moon obeyed Joshua because he seized the day, he spake positive words confidently before the Israelite.

John 9:4- I must work the works of him that sent m, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.

If you will agree with me, if you fail to see, name and speak into the day you won't be able to do that to the night. If that will be possible dear friend do well to reach me, because, the night is all about darkness! And what relationship hath light with darkness?(II Corinthians 6:14).
Even Jesus Christ our Saviour knew there is a night no man can work including him!
If you go back to Genesis 1, you will discover even God did not attempt working in the night. How much more you! Joshua knew this and he had to seize the day for God to fight their battle for them.

Do well to seize Today!
Oshunbiyi Oluwatobiloba,
CL Blogs.

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