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Today's sub-topic is sounding like a quote right? It is not just sounding.. it is a quote.
It is what we discussing.

2 Corinthians 5:17King James Version (KJV)
17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

What really becomes new?
Definitely it is the past.
The past is recycled! Its washed just as you have been re-gene(Regeneration)
I mean washed in His precious blood.

After all, we all know recycled products are always of value - and these products are not of lesser value! So you do not just leave it, you live it too.

You are a new creature, born of God, with the right set of attitude now. The old things are passed away, truly they are gone; the pain is gone but the memories can't be erased that's if you will be real. You do not live the pain anymore, but you live the memories. i.e
You leave the pain and live the memories.

I wish above all to explain the topic at hand with this small illustration, I term it:  
The Parable of the Cloth. 
Some of my friends out there would be asking what is happening to me today?
Back to my parable, A man's life is like a cloth/ clothing, in the course of use its gets soiled by all kind of dirt you can think of (we call those dirt Past!!). The Clothing is dirty and ugly, and it is the discovery of this that calls for a wash. After the wash it becomes new.

'You do not die cos you have had some past friends'
... just like you won't burn the linen cos it is dirty. After the cleansing- old things are passed away, the laundry process is over; the soaking, washing, draining, spreading and ironing.
All things are become new!!

There might be times in a man's life when the Now can't be differentiated from the Past, that's just the process, relax and enjoy it. 
It's a process of preparation for the future, yes its not easy.. You'll be stretched. 

Do always remember to live those moments because:

Psalm 30:5King James Version (KJV)
For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.

Permit me digress a bit.... The morning is a process just like the past, the Morning is defined as a time after midnight and before mid-day, of which sometimes 04:00 - 05:00 a.m looks like 09:00- 11:00p.m. Your attitude matters again here because you cannot change the time/order of the day.
You can only choose how to live it.  - You can choose to live the morning like the night believing its still the weeping hours OR get up with Joy knowing it might still be dark out there but its morning and Joy has come.

Do not let the process keep you in the dark. Just like i said in the last post; Live the Now of your Life.
Live those things you regard secrets. Live those secrets with the right set of attitudes; God will judge all secrets let yours be good( Ecclesiastes 12:14).

I will not leave without dropping this shocker; God even our God is got secrets!!

Psalm 25:14King James Version (KJV)
14 The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant.

Friends, if God reveals His secrets with His people then what is stopping you?
Live your past my dear..., let it be a source of lesson and blessing to others and He will show you His covenant.


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