With series of things to write and share with you on my mind today, I had to succumb to the grace of the day. I saw the need to write on a topic that is affiliated to the birth of Christ.
Some of my friends out there asked some questions all through yesterday, is December 25 really the birth date of Jesus Christ?
The whole story about Christmas spelt as X-Mas and all. ...
I have come to a conclusion within myself that; the date doesn't matter nor the way you spell it but what you do with it!
What do you do with your Christmas?
Do you in any way seek him or all you do is visit Him- Which is just this Christmas celebrations; eating and drinking, arguing about his date of birth, argue about how it was spelt and all sort of activities?
I want you to remember the kingdom of God is not for food and drink but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy-ghost! Anyways, Wise men still seek Him!
I want you to remember the kingdom of God is not for food and drink but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy-ghost! Anyways, Wise men still seek Him!
- Thank God for the gift of His son;the grace to fight our battles
- Thank God He is being celebrated; He has made the last few days of the year really worth it and not just the beginning.
- Thank God the Scriptures spelt Him Christ and not 'X'; so we can boldly write- Christmas and not Xmas!
- Thank God for the great deal of meal, which are mostly chicken dishes!.... Laughing i guess'
- Thank God for the gift of Life, We have the Covenant of Life!
Matthew 2: 1-2, 11-15.
Today's discussion will be in points and i want you to follow me closely
The Bible did not say there were only 3 wise men, this made me know there are still many wise men; you and I inclusive.
No one seeks Him until He seeks them:
Even the wise men had a call from Him - The Star!(Numbers 24:17).
Hope you can see His glory or just the miracles? What is really drawing you to Him? What do you seek?
Even the wise men had a call from Him - The Star!(Numbers 24:17).
Hope you can see His glory or just the miracles? What is really drawing you to Him? What do you seek?
The wise men were informed!:
They were informed about the prophesy in Numbers 24:17. This made me believe they were not on a visit but on a spiritual journey! Are you on a journey with Christ or you just pay him Christmas visit?
They were informed about the prophesy in Numbers 24:17. This made me believe they were not on a visit but on a spiritual journey! Are you on a journey with Christ or you just pay him Christmas visit?
They knew what they were looking for.
The king of the Jews! They made good use of the information they had gotten above. What information do you have not only about Christ but what you even are in Christ?
The king of the Jews! They made good use of the information they had gotten above. What information do you have not only about Christ but what you even are in Christ?
They brought Him gifts-
when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable.
They knew the purpose of their visit- to worship the king!
when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable.
They knew the purpose of their visit- to worship the king!
Your Life is God's gift to you, how you use it is your gift back to him! How do you use your life?
How do you live it? What gift are you bringing him?
They worshiped-
In verse 2 they told Herod they wanted to worship Him and in verse 11; on seeing Him they worshiped Him. They fell down and worshiped him.
In verse 2 they told Herod they wanted to worship Him and in verse 11; on seeing Him they worshiped Him. They fell down and worshiped him.
Its amazing that these heathen astrologers had enough insight to recognize the glory of the one whom they find. Here we are 2000 years later, with all the light we have been given we still have people who are incapable of seeing who He really is!
They obeyed Him-
The highest form of respect to God. They did acknowledge Him!
The highest form of respect to God. They did acknowledge Him!
God warned them in a dream that they were also in danger and they were to return to their homeland by a different route, they did heed! They are truly wise! How much do you obey him?
How much do you obey His commandments, instructions and all??
After they visited Jesus- they were in trouble. The world is full of troubles, hope they don't turn you disobedient?
Wise men still turn their ears toward Heaven! John 16:13.
Our duty is to listen to his voice and then respond in obedience when He reveals His will to us!
Our duty is to listen to his voice and then respond in obedience when He reveals His will to us!
I want to encourage you to do more than celebrate Christmas and celebrate the Christ-in-the-mass!
No one cometh unto Him and returns the same way. Even the wise 'departed into their own country another way'. That's the power of Grace and His salvation!
God sent His word to the wise men to flee from King Herod to avoid his wrath, So is He sending out warning to all humanity. He tells us that death is coming and that beyond that, there is a place called Hell!
I charge you today to give him a visit, fall at His feet and make your ways straights!
Give Him your gift- your Life! Then we all have the Star, a Christ- in-the-mass!
I love you so much and Merry Christmas.
Oshunbiy Oluwatobiloba,
CL Blogs.