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Good day friends, how has the New Year been? Trust you have started well??
It’s the second day of the month, January is really reading and so is 2016. Pray you the best of it all in Jesus name.
I will not want to bore you early enough this year with a long post, so I will be talking briefly on giving. 
To all my friends out there I will be giving just three nuggets and I hope you read this early  enough so as to either improve your life of giving or help you begin one.

1. You cannot live below what you give.

2.Do not be confused, Giving is not a means of bribing. You bribe to exchange favours, blessings etc, but you give to operate favour, blessings etc.

3. No amount of Giving can redeem your Life. You Give cos you Love and You Live cos you Love!  Love is the only thing that makes a man live.

If I may ask you this question;
If God decides to take your Life today, do you have any reason to still  live some more years?
Can you ask him to remember your Offerings and givings??
What do you give to God, Family members, Church and your Community at large?
How much do you impact souls around you?

Till some other times dear, have a nice year ahead of you.

I Love You.
Oshunbiyi Oluwatobiloba,
CL Blogs.

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