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Good day friends, I have been naming the topics for this year 'things you need in 2016' and this topic is not going to be an exception.
I want to over-emphasis the topic so I'm starting off with the blog title:Power!

Going trough the definitions of power via word-web offline dictionary, I came across ten different meaning and I have carefully selected three meanings to work with for the purpose of this post.

Below I highlight the meanings:
1. Possession of controlling influence
2. (Physics) the rate of doing work
3. Physical Strength
I will be explaining power in this three dimensions and i pray it blesses you.

Power will always remain power, its how you channel it that matters and i want you to know that- power when not properly channeled is lethal.

Power either makes you or mare you!

1. Possession of controlling influence:
To possess is to have ownership.
 Power is owned not sold! I am saying you don't buy power it is synonymous to dominion.
God has always been interested in giving power to His own that's the reason He gave man dominion first over every other things (Genesis 1:26).

Acts  10:38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.

I would have loved to write this topic up outside the use of scriptures  but it's of the highest importance to let you know 'even our Lord Jesus was anointed by God with Holy ghost and Power'.

God can give all of us Power truly but the holy ghost is what drives it.

The essence of this sub-post is to let us all know what it means to possess a controlling influence. When you have this- You have posses the ability to control(creatures) and determine(events).

'Power turn men into Events Manager.'

Acts  1:8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you:
This attribute only comes when you receive power i.e The Holy spirit is the one that activates dominion in a man and gives power.
Power gives the ability to affect persons and events and that defines influence!

Elijah stopped rain from falling and later bought down rain.
Joshua seized the day- he held the sun from setting.
Elijah called fire down.
Jesus woke dead Lazarus, He even turned water to wine.

What have you done with the little inside of you? 
There's a miracle no minister of God can pray for you; the use of power.

As a child of God, how much do you possess a controlling influence in your family, educational institutions, career, community, fellowships and even the church/ fold where you belong.

2. The rate to do work:

James  2:26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

Faith is one of the gifts of the holy spirit (I Corinthians 12:9) and the scripture says it is dead without work(power-the rate to do work.) i.e the Gifts of the holy spirit are dead without the power of the holy spirit.
No wonder God anointed Jesus Christ with the holy spirit- His fruits, gifts and power!

Your gifts are not enough, you need power!
The power of God is the glory of God, it's God's spirit at work. This same power is the rate at which God's children work- Dominate!

Yes you have faith but at what rate do you work
 You truly are talented and gifted but at what rate do you work- dominate?

Rate- relative speed of progress/change. At what speed do you operate?
As a child of God, you are to be the head and not the tail, you are to operate at the speed of God. You are to progress at the speed of God in your career, business and purpose. We need power to fulfill destiny i.e do the work of destiny.

You need to understand now that you are the created not the creator so you need power- His rate of doing work to do what you are made to do.

How you grow also affects your rate of doing work and your rate of work determines your possession of controlling influence. Remember I  said earlier power remains power, its how you channel it that matters.

3. Physical Strength:
I will personally define this as the strength of you(Christ in you the hope of glory) in the physical. The other forms of power earlier spoken of are based on this. It's all about how you grow!
Do you emit any glory at all? Jesus did! Not because he was God but because He was man.

God doesn't grow, man does.

Luke  2:52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.

You increase in wisdom and power (stature; physical strength) i.e they work together. When you have wisdom and power, then you find favour with God and men through your physical strength!

When you operate power via your physical strength, God will be more pleased with you everyday of your life.

Check through your life are, you growing wiser and stronger? Is God and other men pleased with you??

Samson a man in the scriptures demonstrated the power of God via his physical strength but not through his times with Delilah (Smiling).............

This is the main reason it's best for young Christians to avoid fornication because power when not channeled properly is lethal. Let's all learn from Samson.

When you grow outside of God, you go outside of God!
No wonder the scripture said our bodies are the temples of God(God's strength in the physical)!!

This post might not be complete without you reading through Dominion:

Wishing you a peaceful weekend ahead.... Do well to watch out for our first relationship tonic on this blog.

We are not complete without having you on our Bbmc channel: C0025AC72
and on Facebook.

Oluwatobiloba Oshunbiyi,
CL Blogs.

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