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1 John  4:6 We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.

Yesterday we discussed about Knowing Him and I bless God on how he helped us understand Him the more and how far He has helped us interpret His words.
Genesis  1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
I want to outline this topic into 3:
(a) You are in the image of God
(b) You are after His likeness
(c) You have dominion.
A. The Image of God

Genesis  1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

I made use of this verse of the scripture intentionally to clear the mentality that women being created out of men equals a limit in their abilities, the truth remains every man a head of the woman but the woman has the fullness of God also.
That's the reason God called her a help meet. She can offer what a man needs. So to all my female blog readers- You are in His image! All God can do you can do too.
If you look back in verse 26; God said "lets make man in our image". Our image here refers to the trinity with the Godhead intention, i.e you have the nature of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy spirit.
'I want you to come to the realization that you have the nature of the Trinity, you do not share the nature.'
God in Trinity, Men in Diversity.- Oluwatobi Oshunbiyi

That's the reason we are called gods; we are sons of God.(Psalms 82:6), Jesus called us friends- He said greater works than He did we shall do if we believe.(John14:12). No wonder He came to the world to die for all sinners so that His nature will not be found in  hell.

The Holy spirit is our comforter- Word-web dictionary defines a comforter as a person who reduces the intensity (e.g. of fears) and calm and pacifies.

You only comfort who you know and when you know what is happening in the person's life. 

'The Holy spirit is never our sympathizer as English language might say A Comforter= Sympathizer.
In the course of writing this up, the Holy spirit gave me a clearer view/ interpretation of who we are. He told me in my ears we are images of Him entrusted with the task of carrying out what God should have always visited the earth to do

No wonder after He created Adam and Eve, He told us to be fruitful and multiply.
Adam and Eve carried out the creation of Cain and Abel that God should have done by visiting the earth.
Ye are gods; Gods image.

How much do you use your God deposited ability?
God gave us brains and that Physique so He could rest. How do you make use of it?
You have the solution inside of you. You are your solution! You are all you need.
Let me dwell more on this a bit.

Elijah in I kings 18:21-40 had some issues to be clarified with the prophets of Baal, in verses 32-38 Elijah prepared 12 stones, built an altar, made a trench about the altar, put woods in order, and filled it up with 12 barrels of water. It was after this he prayed/ called unto God and fire came down.
Elijah used his brain and physique, he made use of his God-given image before he called on God. Elijah had prepared what God will burn.

Most of us don't want to manifest as the image of God at all, we want God to get the stones, make the altar, arrange the woods and still send down the fire! No God won't do that, He awaits you to know yourself enough as an image of Him.
Start using your God given deposits as from date.
I hope you have a nice day and do not recover from the consciousness of you being in the image of God.
Oluwatobiloba Oshunbiyi,
CL Blogs.

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