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Good morning friends, how has the week been? I am here today with the concluding outline of 'knowing yourself'.
Dominion- Dominance or Power through legal authority.
For this week I will be writing on dominance and power, taking power on a new blog post entirely. I pray this piece blesses you.

Genesis  1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
Dominion is what God gives to men that are in his image and after his likeness, it's God's gift to to you because of who you are. Therefore you can't exercise dominion if you don't manifest your God given image and likeness.
Dominance is not something you pray for, its a gift from God in you that manifests when you manifest Him.
Have you ever come across a dominating person?
I am not talking about a controlling fellow nor a selfish person that allures all credits to himself.
I am talking about a person that manifests God in his dealings, I'm talking about that man that seems perfect in your circle, group, gatherings, church, etc.

With much joy in my heart i am writing this because dominance is a thing of the spirit and not the physical. It comes from the inside!- You utter what's in your altar.
Dominance is not by measures of stature; physique, strength and all, its a measure of Unction! Unction begats the action called-Dominance.

The gift of dominance received by man from God is such a complete package, how do I mean?

Psalms  24:1 The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.

God did not just give you and I the earth, but the fullness, the world and the dwellers!
(I) The earth:
a. The fish of the sea- You talking about dominion even in the sea? Yes! Of course!!
How come a man's authority is limited here on earth?
The thing is even your breath is not limited on earth not to talk of your dominance.
A lot of us even have phobia for water bodies as a results of stories, imaginations and improper orientation about them, but God gave man dominion over fishes. Fishes here is signifying all that you can ever think  about in the water.
Permit me explain further by going spiritual- smiling; He gave you dominion over familiar spirits of waters, marine spirits and all.
How come fishes of the seas now take chances in your life? It's just a sign that you are lacking dominance. 'Jesus Christ gave us an insight by walking on the sea... Even Peter did; so you can!'
b. The foul of the air- the foul here denotes birds; a flying object.

 Even though they fly above your head, they don't fly above your deeds!-Dominance!

The spiritual fouls of the air- Princes of Persia, sorcery/ witchcrafts, familiar spirits and all. These ones are not expected to act as they wish because you have dominance i.e you can give orders and control the air.
Jesus Christ showed us this again by ascending into heaven, Philip was caught away by he spirit of the Lord and was found in Azotus(Acts 8:26-40) and lastly Elijah had records of disapperances too (I kings 18:7-20).
Take charge of the fouls of the air in your life physically and spiritually, don't wait until they stop your prayers, act faster than Daniel, maximise your Angelic life dear.
c. Cattle and over all the earth- ' and over every creeping things that creepeth upon  the earth' i.e people/ animals with the body near the ground. Everything on earth He gave you dominion over. Dwarfs and Giants, I mean lesser and higher situations/ problems of life.
(II) The fullness
I will talk just briefly about this.
Fullness has to do with greatness in volume/completeness.

When the scriptures is talking about the fullness, its talking about the greatness of the volume of the earth or the things that completes the earth.
Genesis  1:29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
Using Genesis 1:29, i will be discussing and interpreting the fullness of the earth:
(a) Herb bearing seeds        (b) Tree yielding seeds.
I am going by these two alone because the others have been aforementioned. The major thing I want to bring out here is; the fullness of the earth is that fruitful and multiplying part of it, the part that replenishes it.
God is interested not only in your fruitfulness and multiplication but in everything around you.  
'The fullness of the earth not the fullness of the world'

God has given us only the fullness of the earth because the world is just an application of the earth and you do not belong to the world!
Remember; be ye not conformed to the world....
Everything on earth obeys you because they see God in you via His image and likeness.  
Therefore Dominion is not about your input but his output.

I challenge you today after this series of knowing yourself to make the move, take the lead and don't let life change you- instead Dominate! And that's my prayer for you this morning in Jesus name.
Finally, if you do not subject yourself to the creator you will be subjected to the created- If you are reading this and have not given your life to Jesus Christ, now is the time.
Ensure you use your God-given image and likeness to operate Dominion and do remember you are the created and not the creator, but the creator creates the created to recreate! Use your Dominion wisely!!
I Love you a bunch,
Oluwatobiloba Oshunbiyi.
Reading this alone and not sharing is not an act of Dominion.
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