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Why many don't have lasting success?
Happy new week blog readers, welcome to this week's edition of Monday's Digest.
Last week we discussed the first reason why many don't have lasting success- Comfort Zone. If you missed it you can get here.
Today we'll be talking on the second reason why many don't have lasting success and that is:
Unfaithfulness is the quality of being unfaithful and being unfaithful is not being true to duty, obligations and promises. (Word-web Dictionary)

Unfaithfulness is also defined as a quality by wordweb which implies that every of our attitude counts and we can weigh our success based on them.
Quality is an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone and that means unfaithfulness is one.

What are you known for? 
What distinguishes you from others??

A lot of us complain of not having lasting success but we have one or two qualities in our lives that cannot hold unto success and one of such is unfaithfulness.

Being unfaithful is being untrue to duty, obligations and promises.
How true are you to duty?
How true are you to jobs you are obligated to do?
How true are you to your promises?
Do you keep agreements?
Are you true to people or you enjoy playing smart on them??

All these negative acts and attitudes unfaithfulness births makes you reduce in your pursuit of excellence thereby causing a fall from success.

Success usually comes to those who are too busy looking for it -Henry David Thoreau
It does not come to the Unfaithful!!

Some people do not have lasting success because they won some multi-billion Naira/Dollar projects, they got their determined job position, they have been promoted to the position they have been dreaming of and all they can do now is Relax- become Unfaithful!!

The higher you go on the Ladder of success, the higher you should grow in your faithfulness.

Faithfulness is one of the ingredients that keep success, it is being steadfast in affection or allegiance.
It is the zeal you applied when you were hunting the job, the zeal you had when you started up the business that can keep you in success
Unfaithfulness is a quality in you that speaks louder than your Curriculum Vitae/ Résumé.

Your skills, certifications and qualifications (Academic) will get you a job truly but your qualities keep you in the job and in success.- Oluwatobiloba Oshunbiyi

The  number one test of your faithfulness to success and lasting in success is how early you get to work(Smiling).

See you next week.

Oluwatobi Oshunbiyi,
CL Blogs.

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