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Good day blog readers, how has the week been??
I have with me a random post I want to share with you and it's all about a soccer match I played on my Android device- Winning Eleven 2012.
I do play this game in the tiresome times, and I mostly play the super-cup challenge(Master League) specifically. Everyone around me know I love soccer games.

This fateful day as usual I picked up my device after a stress filled day ran the application and was about to start the game with my favourite team Arsenal.
It was a match between North- London and Man Red(United), and you can bet it was a match that got my attention. I do not have the time to watch football matches I opt for the highlights if chanced so you can understand how a soccer match on Winning Eleven/ PES will be so important and dear to me. I could not wait to match start and I wanted to make my match look so real and give me the feeling so I thought within myself what would the game end like!

A still little voice from inside told me a 3-0 win in your favour, you'll win!!

I am not a constant player of this game though but Top-Player is what I do you know. With the intuition on my mind I starred off the match and here comes the nuggets I learnt as I share them with you:

1. I started off with the mind of a winner:
You know what i mean? I had forgotten i only had control over my team and not my opponent.
'They can shoot all i can do is to defend/ try block their shots.'
What I'm trying to say is 'yes you are destined to be great, you  made to reign but you must align your heart to that thinking like a winner but don't get carried away in the thoughts of being a winner when you're yet to win.'

Life is full of challenges and oppositions that all of us must face and overcome. 'Know that you are in control and have control over yourself alone and not no the person next to you not to talk of the challenge and tasks ahead of you.

2. Understand your team, Identify your man:
Starting off with the mindset of a winner is not enough. There is always a need to understand your team and know your man. The edition of Winning Eleven i play has Van Persie on the line up of my favourite team Arsenal, I identified him because of how much i use him sore goals and I so much believe in him. In fact I trust him enough to deliver!

I was to win by intuition and I knew my man can help me realize that.
Yes! I was correct, behold on the 18th minute of the match he scored the opening goal!
Yes I have won I began to mutter, 3-0 on board i began to say confidently. I have once discussed with you on the people in your life and this soccer game made me realize this:

-The still voice told me about the scoreline but not the scorers.
In destiny you have to locate your destiny realizers. Know this early enough that they are different from destiny helpers.
Jesus had to look for 12 disciples, they were not to help him die on the cross but help him realize his death.
Elijah had to find Elisha, Elisha was not to be caught up in the chariots of fire with Elijah but he was to help him realize the second half of the miracles time will no permit Elijah to wrought.
Out of the people in your life(your team), know your man!

3. Be careful when things are going as planned:
I have always tried to make our random posts scriptures free but permit me use this 'let he that stand take heed lest he fall'.
The game was going on as planned all through the first half but i didn't score anymore. I was tensed but the 3-0 kept occurring to me so i concluded its a deal for the second half. I fixed no substitution nor tactics change and progressed into the second half.
I kept playing the game like someone who knew the beginning from the end until Rooney in the 64th minute scored against me. Then I realized a great lesson to be applied in my life:

'Because you have been notified you'll be great doesn't make you great any yet.'
'You'll always need more than what you offered the last second for the next second' 

In the real sense of life, there are things that cone up in our lives that we don't seem to understand. They're completely different from what we received from the Lord. 
Destiny don't just happen my dear, as the Lord is interested in you fulfilling so is the devil interested also- to kill, steal and destroy! 
All this errors are the struggles that develop you
The errors make you, they don't mare you!! Too whom much is given much is expected.

Just like Habakkuk, keep the vision, write it and make it plain so that you run with it.

4. Trust your inner voice, that's where your strength lie!
After Rooney scored I felt like i have failed truly a 3-0 is no more possible but i could still get a 3 goal ahead victory.
You know what I'm talking about footballer?? Goal difference!
We make some irreversible errors in life truly but there is a consolation:

"The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord"- Proverbs 16:33.

Truly the scars remain but the mouth of the Lord hath said it!
You don't dwell on your past !!
I have in past time discussed what to do with the past and How to live your past.

Back to my Soccer game, I didn't give up but i refused to check through the score board. 
I learnt from the mistake and became conscious of my opponent.
I focused on my team and didn't lose my trust in my man- Van Persie.

On the 74th minute he equalised, 80th minute he scored again, 85th minute another goal!!
What a lesson!!!

The match ended 4-1 instead of 3-0 I intuitively had.
 I payed for the mistake dearly but my guts was right.
I believed in the vision in other to win.

You need to trust your dreams/visions/ what you aspire in other to trust yourself
Truly i conceded a goal hut i did not accept defeat i had a vision of a 3-0 even though it ended 4-1!!

Do not lose hope at this stage of life you are, do not check the scoreboard; it's not about what you have conceded but what you can gather yourself to deliver.

Till next week on Friday's random posts.
Have a blissful weekend.

Oluwatobiloba Oshunbiyi,
CL Blogs.

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