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Everyone of us have people in our lives, people we cherish so much, people we depend and rely so much on, the ones we love and can't imagine our lives without. Beautiful!
We have them in clans as we have thoroughly placed/ grouped them.
We call some our family members, family-friends, friends, lovers, brethren etc. All of these ones makes our lives worth it.
'Awesome people in my life I'm seeing right now, trying to skip some faces and persons (Smiling)'.

The truth remains we all have some people in our lives also that makes life ironically beautiful for us, they make life awful instead of awesome but the truth remains:
The good+ The bad= The people in our life.
I believe you will agree with me that; the people in your life do not have the same heart as you and only some people will lift you higher, support your dreams and all and there you have the ones ready to go the extra miles with you.
With the aforementioned, I have come to a logical conclusion of seeing the good and the bad people as people in our lives categorized and mis-categorized respectively because each friend represent a a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive and its only by meeting them that a new world is born.
What I am saying is the good people in your life are the ones you have properly categorized- placed in their right category with the expectations of what they can offer alone. I bet you  can define the bad ones if at all you have some in your life.

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with- Jim Rohn.

For the purpose of thus study, I'll not dwell on the bad people nor the good; you can trust me I'm more concerned about you! Your development; I'm here on earth for your growth!
This does not mean I do not acknowledge the fact that the people in your life make all the difference in the person you're capable of being, but the truth is; 
The people in your life is not the issue because your friends are just your reflections!
You attract who you are i do say.
In a phrase, what i am saying is you are the people in your life. 
A better you equals a better people in your life.

This calls for spending time one yourself and permit me call that Solitude. I am not saying you become an anti-social person nor saying you refuse to come out of your shells but I'm talking about appreciating solitude by discovering the  freedom it brings.

When you enjoy your own company, you do not need others around for the sake of having others around.

Wrong things happen when we trust and give too much attention to the wrong people and wrong people only come into our lives in the absence of the people that God has ordained to help make our destiny happen.
The shocking truth about it is 'The wrong people cannot achieve the right things in your life'.

I'm therefore discussing with you today how through solitude you become a better You and bring in only the right people in your life.
My prayer today is if there are wrong people already in your life or probably they already dominated your life; an evacuation that brings about the right ones will take place now.

There are three categories of people in your life according to T.D Jakes and I will adopt it for the purpose of this study.
The three categories of people in your life are:
(a) Confidants
(b) Constituents
(c) Comrades
Its important you know the difference so as to define what you can expect from people. Lets check them out:

(a) Confidants- Wordweb defines this them: someone to whom private matters are confided. These ones are in your life for you, they are your ride/die friends. They hang in there with you in the good times and in the bad.

(b) Constituents- These ones are there for what you're about. They are there for the cause, because you share similar goals. They are not there for you, they are there for where you are going. Once they reach their destination they will leave.

(c) Comrades- These ones are not for you and not for what you're about. They will hook up with you only because they are against what you are against and they need your help to kill what needs to be killed. Once the battle has been won they will leave.

I hope by now you have identified the people in your life and properly categorize them?

The people in your life will remain who they are to you, you are the one to know them for  who they are, understand what they are in your life for and not expect what they cannot deliver.

I do Love you,
Wishing you a peaceful weekend ahead.
Oluwatobiloba Oshunbiyi,
CL Blogs.

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