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5 Reasons Abortion is not an Option!

Before I proceed with the write up for the day I will like to share a short story with you, it's an incredible story of forgiveness after a rape, and of choosing life for a child that was born out of violence.
After being raped by someone she had met once before and impregnated in her own home, Elise gave birth to a beautiful daughter that changed her life forever. Despite the rape and pregnancy, Elise experienced the grace of God through the gift of children and it enabled her to extended forgiveness towards her rapist. This is the redeeming power of Jesus Christ!
When Elise called out to God after finding out she was pregnant, He answered her. She felt strongly that although God did not want her to be raped, her child was a gift from God. “She has made my life SO beautiful,” she says. “She is a symbol of hope and inspiration, and what God can do if you let him.” Perhaps the most powerful part of Elise’s story is that she was able to forgive her rapist.
“He’s a sinner. I’m a sinner,” she says. “How can I not forgive? Not to say that it’s easy…but who am I to not forgive?” I remain astonished at Elise's story What beauty God can truly bring from the ashes of tragedy! Praise the Lord for Elise’s testimony and her daughter’s beautiful life!

5 Reasons Abortion is not an Option.

1. God's plan for each human life starts BEFORE birth.
Out of the beautiful pictures of this in the bible is when John the Baptist 'leaped inside of his mother's womb' when the news of Jesus was announced. The Bible gives countless examples of God's unique calling on a person's life before their birth.- Jeremiah 1:5.

2. Life begins at conception
Proverbs  23:22 Hearken unto thy father that begat thee, and despise not thy mother when she is old.
Begat- to bring forth/generate.
The Bible alludes to this in many ways. The verse above referring to the father(not the mother) being the one who begat/gave life/generate/bring forth. "This is a direct reference to the moment of "conception being the start of life as opposed to the moment of birth"

3. Abortion is a murder
Abortion causes physical pains to the unborn child and it literally stops a beating heart. Even in the bible, the intentional/ unintentional killing f a foetus was a criminal offence.- In the Old Testament, causing the death/ serious injury of a pregnant mother/ an unborn child was punishable by death.- Exodus 21:22-23.
If you have had an abortion, please know that God loves you and He is for you. He desires to bring healing and hope to replace your pain. His grace is bigger than your biggest sins.

4.Every Life is precious to God
Psalms 139:13.
Abortion has become a way of selective breeding. we terminate lives who don't fit in our cultural preferences. For instance, children with 'Down syndrome' are aborted at an alarming rate. The Bible teaches us that God values the sanctity and beauty of every human life and we should do the same.

5. Its our responsibility to speak up for the unborn
Proverbs  31:8 Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.
We will each be held accountable by God for what we did/didn't do. When it comes to defending the rights of the unborn; valuing them equals valuing humanity itself. When we remain silent, we give a part of our humanity in the process.

Think about this; what if you had been aborted? What if I(that handsome picture you are seeing) had been aborted?

Please join me in the campaign against abortion and save a soul.
Do share!
Oluwatobiloba Oshunbiyi,
CL Blogs.

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