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Good morning blog family. How has been the week? 
Happy New month from CL BLogs- We proudly say it's a month of Abundance in Jesus Name.

Our last blog post on bible studies; the series - How much do you know? was intentionally spread over the week so we all could digest it better.

Today I'll be publishing a write-up with the topic:
Give and Live.
This is the first part of the topic expect the second part next week by God's grace.

To give: is to place into the hands/custody of.
To Live: is to have life and be alive. (Word web Dictionary.)

For a proper understanding 'To have life  is synonymous to being alive, other synonyms are: abide, breathe, draw breathe, remain, become alive'.
In other words to give and live is to give something into the hands/custody of someone and that thing has life(probably it was formerly dead)/ remain alive(Keeping its Life).
Giving to God alone attracts living, when you give to man you leave!

When you give a thing to God, two things even though they are synonymous happens to that thing:
(a) The thing has life (b) It remains alive.
Irrespective of the state of Life of that Marriage/relationship, Job/business/career, Home, Ministry/ passion it remains alive when you give it to GodWhat I'm saying is if you give a business in its right state of life i.e a business flourishing/doing well to God it remains alive and if its a business in its dead state it becomes alive!
Its just a pity a lot of us prefer giving it to man and leave than giving it to God. How do I mean?

John  5:40 And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.

The truth of the topic is this:
"Whatever you do not give to God, the devil uses against you!" 
'No man can keep a thing from the devil's use, only God!'

Going with the scripture above, Jesus Christ discovered the people were not ready to come to Him. He was not asking them if they will not come but He knew they would/will not come even while He was here on earth. How much more now that we don't have Him around but His comforter??

In the course of this write-up an understanding was shed abroad my heart, a lot of times most of the things Christians complain about are the things they have refused to go to Christ for.
A lot of us have confused prayers with complaints/complaining.
"What most of us do is complain about the business, career, relationship, marriage, ministry but we do not pray about them, we do not give them to God!"
This is the reason Christ revealed to us in
John  16:24 Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.

You have not asked a thing in His name, you have only be complaining!
Give and Live.....
My dear give it to God in prayers.

You have any burden on your heart you want us to pray with you about do not hesitate to reach us via the email on the blog.... The comment box awaits your testimony in Jesus Name.
You have not even given your life to Jesus? How do you give that situation to Him? I encourage you today to make up your mind and reach us also via the mail so we path you to the Lord.
The Lord bless you all!

Till next week same day.
I Love you,
Oluwatobiloba Oshunbiyi,
CL Blogs.

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