Good morning CL Blogs and Monday Digest(MD) readers and Happy Easter.
Last week we discussed Strength and I talked exclusively touching areas i could touch pointing out the spiri-financial side of you- Strength!!
Today we'll consider the Topic Weaknesses and I pray it blesses you.. I hope to keep this short.
Weaknesses(wordweb dictionary):
(a) A flaw/ weak point
(b) Powerlessness revealed by an inability to act
(c) The property of lacking physical/mental strength.
(d) The condition of being financially weak
(e) A penchant for Something even though it might not be good for you.
(a) A flaw/ weak point
(b) Powerlessness revealed by an inability to act
(c) The property of lacking physical/mental strength.
(d) The condition of being financially weak
(e) A penchant for Something even though it might not be good for you.
SWOT defined weaknesses as: characteristics that place the business/project/ personality at a disadvantage relative to others.
Let me keep up with my clarifications here: weaknesses do not mean the same as bad attitudes. 'Attitude is everything and when the attitude is bad; everything is bad'.
Even in the greatest of personalities/businesses/projects there are some one/two weaknesses. But I'm here to give a spiri-financial analysis on weaknesses today.
1. Weaknesses make you Unique.
Weaknesses are those things in you that refuses to make you too perfect as a man, giving the relevance of your strength(God) and displaying your uniqueness.
I've been here on earth for a short while and I'm yet to see a personality/business/ project that has gained awareness without some weaknesses.
From the Automobiles, Health and pharmaceuticals, ICT to the Food and Beverage Industry, you'll discover a lot of weaknesses. Take for instance as global as Coke is; creating happiness to its consumers and all it has some characteristics placing it at disadvantage to one/two other soft drinks- (a) its addictive properties
(b) possible health damage constituents i.e High sugar content, aspartme.
As it is for Coke so it is for you!
You are only perfect in God(PING!!!)
From the Automobiles, Health and pharmaceuticals, ICT to the Food and Beverage Industry, you'll discover a lot of weaknesses. Take for instance as global as Coke is; creating happiness to its consumers and all it has some characteristics placing it at disadvantage to one/two other soft drinks- (a) its addictive properties
(b) possible health damage constituents i.e High sugar content, aspartme.
As it is for Coke so it is for you!
You are only perfect in God(PING!!!)
2. Weaknesses reveals the strengths!
A writer is a writer(strength) but might keep too much to himself/ over- segregate himself a times(weaknesses), You are outspoken (strength) but you're tagged a talkative (weaknesses)...... It goes on and on like that! Even in the scriptures; Moses was a Community leader, Shepherd and Mouth piece of God(strength) but he was a stammerer (weaknesses). But all of these qualities are what makes us all unique and great in our own way. All of these weaknesses bring out your strength!! Imagine a stammerer speaking the mind of God to the people where were the Outspoken ones? That is what your weaknesses do to you.... they make that simple gift and talent (strength) look so unique like you are the only one with it. How do you see your weaknesses?
3. Attracts External strength to you!
External Strength- is the strength your weaknesses attracts and not your personal(internal).
If you closely go through these life of the aforementioned- Moses you'll discover he had an external strength for his weakness. Moses had Aaron!
How much do you attract what you lack?
How much do you attract what you lack?
A lot of us have made weaknesses have their turn on us thereby making us become some sort of inferior products. We are so aggressive to anything/anyone that seems to have what we do not posses!
Be ready to cooperate with whatever will yield results.
Remember: + and - gives current!
Lastly, the SWOT definition of weaknesses: characteristics that place the business/project/personality at a disadvantage relative to others! - this means it is the business/project/person that possesses those characteristics.
You are that thing that places you at disadvantages to others!
You are that thing that places you at disadvantages to others!
Eradicate those traits/characteristics and opt out of them.
Stop combating with what you should be cooperating with!
Accept your weaknesses as the path to some strength outside of you and if you find one do keep them.
Remember: 1 will chase 1000 and 2 will chase 10,000.
Have weakness maximized week,
Same time next week.
Same time next week.
Oluwatobi Oshunbiyi,
CL BLogs.
CL BLogs.