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The Man Centurion Said it to Jesus

Verse 6: And Saying, Lord, My Servant lieth at home sick of palsy, grievously tormented.

How do you report your problems to Jesus?
There are two ways of reporting issues to Jesus as i discovered: 
(a) To say i.e. Explain and (b)Complain
I have come to discover how you report your problems/challenges/situations describes who Jesus is to you.
(a) When you say- You call Jesus your Lord. i.e The Lord over your life, the lord over your problems and you know he can proffer a solution.

Lord- A term referring to the judeo-christian God. OR A person who has general authority over others. (Ref; Wordweb Dictionary)
What I am trying to paint is when you say your situations to him you humble yourself and bring low the problems thereby exalting Him as Lord- the one who has authority over all.
No wonder the scriptures taught us how to Say the Lord’s prayer.

(b) When you Complain- You have not called him Lord. How do I mean?
You do not complain to someone who has a solution to your problems, you explain and that is saying!
Permit me use this as an example: If the Head of department of the company you work misbehaves/ ill-treats you, you complain to your colleague about it because they have nothing to do about but you explain that ill-situation to the Managing Director or Chief Executive Officer of the company.

Complaining does not make the problem plain but brings about a replay!

This is just another way I discovered the Centurion amazed Jesus! How do you amaze him? 

My prayer is that at this minute the Holy Spirit help you realize the need to say(Explain) and not Complain just like the Centurion.

Complain according to the word-web dictionary is to; express complaints, discomfort, displeasure or unhappiness.

I want you to know God is not moved by emotions, he’s not moved by how much you complain but explain.

I charge you today to explain it all to Him today and you’ll definitely come back to testify to his response.
When you complain you only explain your pain for no gain!

Do remember God is not moved by your emotions but your faith.

Good Morning,
Oluwatobiloba Oshunbiyi.

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