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Today we want to scripturally study a man who did amaze Jesus.

To amaze  someone is to fill the person with wonder/astonishment; greatly surprise.

You can bet it will be such great things that will amaze Jesus right? Yes it should be. Someone amazed Jesus and it brought about his miracle. 
In every day and aspects of our life, we also amaze Jesus but there’s always the others side of a coin. Let’s study:

Bible Passage: Matthew 8:5-10
The passage involves a Centurion and Word-web dictionary defines A centurion as a leader of 100 soldiers in ancient Rome.

Jesus Christ just healed a leper in verses 1-4 and he entered into Capernaum, this roman warrior met Jesus with a problem not his own problem though but his servant’s.

He had an interaction with our Lord Jesus and today I want to embark upon the journey of discovery; How this man did amaze Jesus.

    Care for Others:
How much do you amaze Jesus by your care for others? 
How much do you love your neighbour as yourself?
The centurion had an opportunity to meet Jesus and all he talked about was his servant. I have not asked how much you intercede for others yet, but how much do you report your neighbours sickness (problems) to Jesus. 

We've become so selfish and self-centered this days that everything is only about ourselves- Lord bless me, Keep me, protect me etc. How about others? If God has been answering those prayers of yours I can bet by now you will be the only citizen of your country left! 

A lot of us do not even care about our immediate family- Yes! I mean our Parents, Spouses, Children and Siblings. My prayer today is God will change our state of heart that we realize we get the attention of Jesus faster when it is not about us In Jesus Name.

Beware of Selfishness! 
In Verse 7 of the bible passage of the day; Jesus said to him, I will come and heal him.

I have not come this morning to say prayers for oneself is selfish or not important, yes it is! The Scriptures says 'pray without ceasing  not Pray (for yourselves) without ceasing'. 
There is always a place of Love and Compassion in us.

 Christianity is all about Service. 

Funny enough; Likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the spirit itself maketh intercessions for us with groaning which cannot be uttered(Romans 8:27 KJV).

If the Spirit maketh intercessions for us then this morning I charge you to make intercessions for others.
This was the first approach with which the Centurion amazed Jesus! 
Make up your mind to amaze Jesus today, Pray for others.
Do remember; there is no other great measure of Love like remembering someone in your Prayers.

Good Morning,
Amaze Jesus today, Love more today.

Oluwatobiloba Oshunbiyi.
CL Blogs.

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