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 If you will take your time to review our Monday Digest (MD), you’ll agree with me this topic was coined from a quote under a blog post: Strength in the Swot analysis here on CL Blogs.
This quote cum topic is aimed at making you realize that even when there are no opportunities around you, you create one. Can you relate that?

Creating Opportunities has to do with two things;
(a) Having others in your creation plan i.e. an opportunity that will affect the people around you and yourself
(b) Hitting the deal right.
What deal?

As you know here at CL Blogs we aim at reaching everyone out there irrespective of their age/status, thus, every one of us here is believed to have a Deal.

Word web defined Deal:         (a) Verb - to do business; offer for sale as for one’s livelihood
                                                (b) Be in Charge of or direct the course of
                                                (c) Manage/ Control  

The picture I am trying to paint here is this:
(a)   We are all offering something for sale(our time, skills, competencies, knowledge) as for our livelihood
(b)   We all are in charge of something- a business/proposed one, A job position/job hunt, a career/a course(training)
(c)    Lastly we all manage/control value- Money.
So with my little definitions I think you will believe we are all in a Deal and that means we need some values/stuffs to pull us through which I have termed meal.

A Meal (word-web dictionary):
(a)   The food served and eaten at one time
(b)    Coarsely ground foodstuff; especially seeds of various cereal grasses or pulse.
I.e. A meal is a combination of coarsely grounded stuffs (values) served and eaten at one time.
What I am saying is this: there is a combination of stuffs (values, cores, training, skills etc) that after coarsely grounded [which may take some time] is served and eaten at one time.

No wonder we do not hear about great men in their preparation i.e. while they are coarsely grounded we only notice them when they are served.
How well are you preparing?
How well are you grounded? Coarsely??

You are Serving to be Served do not forget.
Wherever you are today, you are being fed with the Meal for your Deal.

For the sake of introduction, we’ll be considering the four components of the Meal for your Deal in a short while from now by God’s grace in the order of its acronym.

M – Monitoring
E - Evaluation                                  For  
A - Accountability                           Every
L - Learning                                     Deal

I wish you a blessed week while I pray for you:
Lord Jesus, I commit this dear reader into your hands, He wants to make a meaning of his/her business life that he had to even read this introductory piece. Dear Lord, I ask you show him/her the way, guide him and enlarge him. Teach him how to Monitor, Evaluate, Account and Learn even before the end of this series that your name will be glorified in Jesus name, Amen!

Author: Oluwatobiloba Oshunbiyi.

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