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I proposed ending this write-up on the second part but the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to something invaluable - Humility!

I will be sharing with you how I discovered Humility as the third step through which the Centurion amazed Jesus.

I earlier defined a Centurion as the leader of hundred soldiers (warriors) in ancient Rome. That means a Centurion is a man of authority! For 'I am a man of authority' would have been the word used by the scripture writers if it was this age but the scriptures in Matthew8:9: 

‘For I am a man under authority’ this was my first discovery of his humility.
The bible said  'a soft answer turneth away wrath'- proverbs 15:1(KJV)
Can we trace humility to your responses? Can we trace humility to the way you talk and approach other and even Christ?
Grievous words stir up anger do not forget!

After Jesus replied him in Mathew8:7: I will come and heal him, the centurion even amazed me when he answered Jesus and said: Lord I’m not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof (verse 8a).

If it were to be you and I you know what would have happened? We would have changed the subject to Jesus Christ is coming straight to my house live! –Pride.
We would concentrate so deep about we bringing Jesus Christ to the neighbourhood that even Jesus will decide to go back abruptly ending the healing journey.

We are in the era where we carry Jesus in us- the Holy Spirit and you know how you and I behave.
How have you used the Jesus Christ you carry? Is it in Pride or Humility??

The Scriptures revealed ‘the Lord resisteth the proud but he gaveth grace to the humble                   – James 4:6(KJV) 
Though the LORD be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly:  but the proud he knoweth afar off            – Psalms 138:6.

You might be thinking in your heart I’m a child of the kingdom, bought by a price, made a son.
Yes, you are what you are and it can’t be taken away from you but it can be taken away by you!
What is the essence of Sonship without Fatherhood (His Presence)?

Pride rids a Christian off the Holy Spirit and makes him/her think I have got the Holy Spirit in my life keeping you from the knowledge that a christian can operate just the gifts.

Remember ‘it’s the gifts and callings of God that are without repentance’ not His presence!             It is through humility you have his presence.

You do not seem to understand when He said to us... ‘Do not walk in the counsel of the ungodly
(Psalms 1:1).
A little leaven leaveneth the whole bread!

Pride kills! It does not give you the clue of repentance not to talk of you obtaining forgiveness.

Back to the Centurion- Verse 8b: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed. Amazing! He took God by His words; he knew what the presence of the Lord is.

He could brilliantly distinguish between the gift of the spirit (healing) and the presence of the Spirit (His words) which a proud Christian can’t.
How humble are you?

My prayer for everyone reading this piece is that God give us the grace to humbly humble ourselves that He will be exalted in Jesus name.
One king rules the kingdom, its either you or Him.
The Holy Spirit does not strife. John the Baptist said I decrease that He (Jesus Christ) must increase. Humility! Do well to decrease that He may increase.

God bless you! 

Oluwatobi Oshunbiyi

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