web defined Accountability: Responsibility to someone or some activity.
I want to believe some Accountants will
be reading through this piece and I hope I will not find myself in some accounting
troubles(Smiling)…. All I ask is that God
uses this piece to bless you.
For the purpose of this study, I’ll be
adopting the dictionary definition of Accountability: Responsibility for some Activity.
- What ability are we discussing here? The Deal!
- What’s the deal with you?
- What are you responsible for??
- Do you take responsibility for the deal? Or you have been campaigning In-capabilities??
Have you been waiting on that relative
of yours to get you that job link, You waiting on your parents for the post graduate
studies? You waiting on your spouse to start the business??............................ Then you are not
Our God give Deals to men of Responsibility-
And I want you to permit me define Responsibility:
as a response to one’s ability.
These two men found a treasure and a
pearl of great price respectively because they responded to their ability. They
responded to their ability to monitor and evaluate.
How responsible are you in the things of
your destiny? How accountable are you to your career/business/job??
This thought made me look all through the world and
I discovered;
‘You do not see what you do not know’
I am saying is the Level you are today is the result of your Accountability.
for Some activity (Accountability) births Maturity!
not how long you have been in the business that matters now, it’s not the
number of years you have been on the job, it’s not how many training you have
had on that career path that matters now but how responsible you are with and
for the activities involved in the business, job and career.
These 2 men we have been studying about know what
exactly Accountability is and that made them get those invaluable measures.
discussed Evaluation the last time; saying it is the after result of observations
on a business/career/job/anything ascertaining the worth and fixing a value.
action/step to be taken by any to-be-successful individual.
But it’s one thing
to evaluate and another thing to relate the evaluated.
aren’t enough!
need to act; you need to take responsibility for the evaluated information
need to be Responsible!
Evaluation made these two guys know the
worth of the treasure and goodly pearl but Accountability made them take up Responsibility
for it.
How many great ideas ever flashed
through your mind? How did you take responsibility on them??
That was what
the scripture was saying when it said:
without works is dead (James 2:26 KJV).
Permit me break
that down:Faith is that part of Evaluation that fixes a Value after you’ve known the Worth, Works is taking up
Responsibilities for the Evaluated.
And that will
make me re-write that scripture:
Evaluation without Responsibility is death.
(James 2:26 KJV).
(James 2:26 KJV).
These 2 men sold all
they had to get the deal.
What are you ready to
part for your path I ask again??
God only gives
established business into the hands of those that can take responsibilities.
Think outside the box and see why that
business/career/job is not clicking/booming/promoting; take up the
Good Morning,