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Learning (Word web Dictionary): The cognitive process of acquiring skill/knowledge.
For the purpose of this study, I’ll be working with the definition above.
I started this series with the clarification that Knowledge is the same as Information, and I Further defined 

·         Monitoring – the act of gathering Information

·         Evaluation -  the processing of  gathered Information

·         Accountability - the taking of responsibility of the       processed     Information

After doing this trio is there still a thing left I retorted while writing this up in the early hours of the day. Then I answered myself – Yes! 
There is more to Learning not because it’s the last letter of the acronym MEAL but because grace dropped something on my heart to share with you again.

I go fully into the discussion of the day:
Learning (Word web Dictionary): The cognitive process of acquiring skill/knowledge.
Acquiring(according to word web): The act of getting something.

Therefore, Learning is the cognitive process of getting Skills/knowledge.

I want you to read along with the ideology of interpreting getting in this context to mean buying/purchasing.
·         Learning is the cognitive process of buying the valued processed Information.

I want to try my best get the basics of this sub-topic into your subconscious and I’ll start with a quote:

You gather to get!

Back to the Scriptures:
Learning (Word web Dictionary): The cognitive process of acquiring skill/knowledge.
                                      Matt 13:44-46:                       
                   The Parable of the Hidden Treasure

44 "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price

45 "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls,  46 who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.

                                                  Learning comes after Joy!

In other words, Acquisition comes after Joy.
Joy made these 2 men sell all they had to buy the field and goodly pearl respectively.

What is your Joy??
That’s to say you cannot Acquire what you do not Desire irrespective of what is Required!

The issue is most young Adult out there venture into their relationships, business/career/job without proper monitoring, evaluation and accountability thereby making it hard for them finding Joy.   

We talking business today as it is a Monday and that will make me ask this question: 
Is your business/career/job giving you Joy? If it does not then you cannot acquire!
Joy comes after you have Monitored Evaluated and Accounted.

Remember that Scripture?
Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.  (AMP Psalms 30:5)

What that scripture is saying is the Monitoring period, the evaluation period and time of test of accountability will only last for a while - the night but the Joy (derived from the night) comes in the morning.
That’s the Joy that helped these two guys in the scriptures we read above get those deal.

Men do not see your toil (Monitoring, Evaluations, Accountability) which is the night, Men see your morning – what you have learnt, what you have acquired!

Jesus said in John 9:4:
I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work. (NKJV)

The night here in this scripture is talking about the time when you can no more acquire!
Utilize the day, make use of all the experience gathered, let all the happiness amount to Joy and acquire!

I challenge everyone reading this piece today, go where the Joy is!
Do not let the economic situation of your country, background, academic qualifications or complexes direct your path to where you find no joy.
If you remain where you joy is not, you will remain there forever – You’ll come out with nothing.

Do remember this: Your passion gives you Joy – Joy helps you acquire!

Learning is therefore the right application of all your experiences with Information. How well do you make use of Information?

Till some fresh series, I remain your business analyst.

The PDF version of this series will be ready and made available before the end of the week for downloads.

Oluwatobi Oshunbiyi.

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