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Good day dear friend, I have come again with as series of post entitled: What Success is not.
 It promises to deliver three sub titles; I. Success is not having it all
                                                        II. Success is not reaching a goal
                                                       III. Success is not maintaining the status Quo
It promises to be great, please be on the blog for other parts on a weekly basis.

I am sorry i have not been able to deliver any post on this platform as scheduled, I have been working tirelessly to ensure we meet at the 2016 Young Adult Conference. It promises to be rewarding.
I leave you with a few details:
Theme: There is a God
Date: December 03, 2016
Time: 10:00 a.m prompt
Venue: RCCG Sanctuary of the Almighty God.
Venue is Located at Airport Bus-stop, Matogun Road, Oke Aro, Ogun State, Nigeria.

Some seasoned speakers alongside myself will be speaking in relation to the theme. Make it a date, I want to meet with you.
Enquiries: +234 811 633 0715.

The gist of the day........................


Leo Tolstoy tels tells the story of a rich man who always wanted more. One day he heard that for a thousand rubles he could have all the land he was able to walk around in a single day, as long as he returned to the starting point by sundown. If not, he would forfeit it all.

So the man rose early and set out. He kept pushing himself to go further and further. Suddenly he realized if was mid-afternoon and he would have to travel very fast if he were return in time to claim land. As the sun got lower in the sky, he began run. Coming within sight of his starting point, he exerted his last ounce of energy, plunged over the finish line, collapsed and died.

The title of this story is "How much does man need?"
Tolstoy concluded the story by saying " Six feet from his head to his heels was all he needed".

You do not get more by what you keep but by what you use and give.
You cannot get it all or keep it all. Success is not having it all!

To reach the port of Success we must sail, sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it - but we must sail, not drift/lie at the anchor. -Olivier Wendell Holmes.

I think the story above has clarified/convinced you that success is not having it all. If that is true with you, I expect you ask this question in your heart; What is Success?

Success is knowing; You cannot have it all ,you only have it for all. -Oluwatobi Oshunbiyi.

Yes, You cannot have it all. But the little in your hands is for all.
The man in Leo Tolstoy's story could not get it all, but he had a thousand rubles for all. The thousand rubles was what would have been counted to him success if used for all, his failure in doing so made him learn it the hard way.


He had all the land = 1000 rubles,
He didn't have all the land, but he bought it for all because all he got was six feet of the whole land.

Leo Tolstoy might not have finished the story concentrating on what happened after, but the truth is the rest of the land was for all. Probably, you are living on some portion of that land today...... smiling.

Do not forget; Success is not having it all but having it for all.
How do you use the little in your hands?
Do you affect the lives around you?

Oluwatobiloba Oshunbiyi,
Covenant of Life Blogs, Initiative & Academy.

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