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We have discussed for and forth and we agreed at a conclusion:
Success is not reaching a goal neither is success having it all, we agreed success is life.

Before I proceed into the topic of the day, I want to quickly do this:

Success is not found in your circumstances
Success is not determined by your circumstances
Success is overcoming your circumstances.

I want you to underline the word: overcoming.  Success is overcoming your Circumstances!

Overcoming; a continuous act of Getting on top of; deal with successfully, and this means:
There will always a be a:
A worst Circumstance that you need overcome so as to get it worse
A worse circumstance that you must overcome to get it bad
A bad circumstance you overcome to get it good
A good circumstance you overcome to get it better
A better circumstance you overcome to get it best!
A best circumstance you need to overcome to get it.......................... smiling....... but the basic truth is
Never maintain the status Quo, It is not Success!!

What then is Success?
Success is not an event; it is a life long journey. 
You cannot possess what you are unwilling to pursue.

Success comes to those who plan, to those who prepare, to those who are persistent, and to those who are willing to endure pain to achieve their goals.

Is your Situation/Circumstance so bad that you saying to yourself this guy doesn’t know what I am in? Yes it is so bad and I acknowledge that. But I want you to know and always remember;
You are not your Circumstance/Situation, You are Success!
Do not confuse your Situation/Circumstance with who you are.
Snap out of your Circumstance, do not maintain the status quo.

A reader saying to himself, I am at the peak of my life –career, ministry, marriage/relationship etc. Yes you are but you are not that situation. You are better than the peak because the peak is not the best of you.

I want to end this post by saying: Success is only pronounced until you live it!

Are you so contended/discontented with where you are?
You think you have less/enough certifications, you think you are being loved or hated? I want to say to your hearing today...... You are not these stuffs until you maintain the status quo. You are better, you are success.

A Japanese proverbs says: There is no poverty that can overcome diligence. I say it this way:
There are no Circumstances that can overcome diligence!

  Are you really tired of your Status Quo?
Make it a date at the Covenant of Life Conference 2016
Where we will collectively and interdenominationally ascertain to the world that in our lives: There is a God!

Theme: There is a God
Date: December 03, 2016
Time: 10:00 a.m prompt
Venue: RCCG Sanctuary of the Almighty God.
Venue is Located at Airport Bus-stop, Matogun Road, Oke Aro, Ogun State, Nigeria.

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