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Good morning dear reader, how has the week been? 

Before we get into the weekend mood I want to quickly share this with you. I want to take time out to thank every participant of our 2016 December Conference(TIAG 1.0). You guys are the best and I trust you can boldly say it was worth the time invested right?

In case you missed this maiden event or will like to keep its memory fresh, you can download(with chrome preferably) the audio version of each sections here. 

We could not get the event covered fully because our media department refused to miss out of the move of the Holy-spirit. But here you have a glimpse of the Impartation section. To watch click here.

Want to see some Pictures too? Click here.
This week is definitely one grand week for us as Covenant of Life because as an Institution and Ministry we clocked One year - December 07 while this arm of operation called CL Blogs will be one year old on the 15th of December. If we have in any way blessed you, It is time to pay us back via our social handles or in the comment box with comments, follows, shares and likes.

Back to the business of the day: 


If what you are doing doesn’t produce resistance, what you are doing is not worth doing.  Consider these facts:
-          Without resistance of water, ships can’t float
-          Without the resistance of air, planes can’t fly
-          Without the resistance of gravity, men can’t walk
-          A rubber band is effective only when it is stretched
-          A turtle gets nowhere until it sticks out its neck out.
-          Kites rise against the wind, not with it.

If I continue, I will keep citing instances and examples but for brevity sake our just concluded conference is one great example for a case study.

The process of struggle develops your character, your strength and your mind. Stop hiding from success because you are afraid you will fail. Failure is necessary stop fearing risk. Have faith and step up to reach for the stars.

Everything in life involves risk:
When I talk risk here I am not talking about selfish activities young adults get involved in this days all in the name of making money - bets, gambles & outrageous interest oriented stuffs. Below are risks I am talking of;
-          To laugh is to risk appearing the fool
-          To weep is to risk appearing sentimental
-          To reach out for another is to risk involvement
-          To expose your feelings is to risk exposing your true self
-          To share your ideas and dreams with others is to risk rejection
-          To live is to risk dying
-          To hope is to risk despair

It doesn’t matter what you risk now, what matters is the outcome of what was risked.   What justifies the risk is what is picked.

What are you picking?
Let me dwell on this a bit;

-          To laugh is to risk appearing the fool. Do you pick laughter or foolishness? Attitude determines the outcome.

-          To live is to risk dying. Do you pick life or death? Your attitude influences your choices and your choices make you.

               Oppositions are propositions that take you to the up-position.                Attitude sometimes make them/it remain  oppositions.

Consider the battle of David and Goliath. When Goliath came against Israel, forty thousand Israeli soldiers thought, he’s so big we can never kill him. David looked at the sane giant and thought; he’s so big I can’t miss him. – Attitude! Everything!!

Can you run an attitude assessment and share the result with me?
I remain your coach in service.

Oluwatobiloba Oshunbiyi,
Covenant of Life.

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