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Covenant of Life

A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keeps going and suffer for it (Proverbs 22:5)

I will like to randomly discuss this topic, trusting you will relate the words on the screen to the ramifications/ spheres of your life.
You can trust it’s a new year – 2017 (a year of Increment – only if you can break through)
according to His words to me.  There are a lot of persons out there with great expectations but they do not know how to go about the manifestations. Out of my busy schedule, I pray the Holy spirit helps and inspires me to give out on a series some principles on how we can all breakthrough for Increment.
It’s Time to call it Quit!!
Think about year 2016, reconcile your plans/visions and the results. A lot of persons did not get a commensurate yield. Take a pause as we get 2017 rolling:
  • Firstly, if you had plans for 2016 that you did not make and are still worth it, it’s time to re-enlist them.
  • Secondly, list out the new revolutions for the year.
  • Lastly, for the reason of this write-up, we settle the issue of fear. – How is it going to happen??

How it is going to happen is not actually your business, what is really your business is what do I do to make it happen? And one of those things is..... Quit!!

I acronym Q                                    Quick
                   U                                     Understanding
                    I                                      In
                    T                                     Times

It’s time to look back quick and quit. It’s time to look into our life till 2016 as regards the re-enlisted visions and take away what’s made them impossible.

Isn’t it funny how sometimes: We pray and we do not get results – but through revelations,I have come to understand our prayers get answered through subtractions. Take for example, a young person keeps asking God for Money,God answers him by taking away greed!

Year 2017 is a year of increment if only we will breakthrough – If only we will quit what we need to quit!
When we quit what we need quit, then God answers our prayers like we expect. I mean a young man without greed will make more money gradually.

Let me just stir the waters here with basic examples to what we need to quit in three spheres of our life:


  • It’s time to quit running after those that are not seeing you.
  • It’s time to define open relationships that have taken a while in your life.
  • It’s time to quit emotional affiliations that are not investing in you. 
  • It’s time to stop complaining and love more.


  • It’s time to quit pleasing people, giving to those that can give back to us.
  • It’s time to quit robbery in – Tithes, Offerings & Alms.
  • It’s time to quit spending all, and save.
  • It’s time to quit thinking you have your spending power.


  •  It’s time to quit activities and be involved in a walk with your Creator & Saviour
  •  It’s time to quit attending events that do not enrich your soul.
  •  It’s time to quit messages/songs/videos/articles/posts that do not draw you close to CHRIST.
  •  It’s time to quit that religion and live the real way of life – Christianity.

Remember what He told me: Only if you’ll breakthrough will there be Increment. I will leave you with this succinct quote: Only if you Quit it will not be Neat!

Happy New Year.
Oluwatobiloba Oshunbiyi.

We will be discussing this same message and some other principles at our monthly fellowship as we gather to make a deal out of 2017. If you are within Lagos/Ogun state and her environs – I extend a hand of fellowship to you. Click here for more details.

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