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BOLDNESS: the requirement for Servanthood.

While it is not scriptural to pray for faith,  you can ask God for boldness.Very soon after the early church had received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, we see them petition for it.It takes Boldness to dispense the anointing  NOT just faith.
Faith is used to receive not dispense(create) in the operations of the anointing.Though the gift of faith manifests boldness too.

There is a daringness to your faith and what you say once this gift of the spirit comes upon you. But this faith isn’t yours but God’s faithfulness. It is having the faith of God! (Mark 11:22)

Boldness is the difference between the anointed and the non-anointed Christian.
This is not to despise that there are men called into the five fold ministry but there are privileges and rights that are available to us all by virtue of Sonship in this Kingdom and boldness is the tool needed for the dispensing and display of this. When this is displayed, then Servant-hood is accomplished, NOT that we become servants. See Servant-hood for more details here.


Have you ever noticed which Apostle was used the most in the gift of Faith?
If you are thinking Peter then you are right!

Peter was the boldest and most radical of all the Apostles.
He was far from perfect, but he was bold.

Let’s see the things he did, his acts of faith(boldness):
- He was the one who jumped out of the boat and walked on water (Matthew 14:29)
- He suggested they build three tabernacles on the Mount of Transfiguration (Mark 9:5)
- He cut off the ear of a man in the garden of Gethsemane (John 18:10)
- On the day of Pentecost, he was the one who pointed his finger in the religious leaders’ faces, saying, “you crucified the Lord of glory” (Acts 3:14-15)

Peter operated in the gift of faith in the book of Acts more than anybody else.
- He grabbed the lame’s man hand by the Gate beautiful and pulled him to his feet (Acts 3:7)
- He commanded Aeneas, a man who had been paralyzed for eight years, to move from his bed and walk (Acts 9:32-34)
- He also raised a woman from the dead (Acts 9:36-40)

The men of that age knew this but they discovered this operation in the life of Apostle Peter.
- They brought forth the sick into the streets and laid them on beds that at least Peters shadow might overshadow some of them.  (Acts 5:15)
We can see from Peter’s life too in this age that the bolder we are, the more God can use us.
It takes boldness to witness!

If we would be bolder in our chosen walk, He would use us in gift of faith more often.
We would receive many more acts and miracles, terrible things in righteousness for ourselves and beyond(for others too).
You cannot be concerned about what people will think. - You answer to God not them!

Have the faith of God. This is my definition of boldness – Oluwatobiloba Oshunbiyi.

Twice in our ministry,  I have seen men passed out revived back to life. Funnily, it was not by my own hands, but by the hands of young Christians. The first time, i was just there in the meeting  teaching the word.
Don’t you think that will be a great act to be recorded to your name?

Let me quickly open your eyes to the mystery behind raising someone from the dead:                          
Three gifts of the spirit need to be in operation to raise someone from the dead.
(a) The gift if faith: to call a spirit back
(b) The working of miracles: to get it back into the soul
(c) The gifts of healing: to heal the body. To fix whatever it was that caused the person or die in the first place.  Else, the person will die again!

I want to encourage you to step out like Peter.
Even though Peter was impulsive and did and said things that were not always cool, God was able to use him in the gifts of the spirit more than  other disciples. Sure he made some mistakes, and probably you will too.
The prophet Micah said,  
“Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall,  I shall arise (Micah 7:8).

If you miss it,  pick yourself up and keep going.
Never, Never stop!!
The next time you might just raise somebody from the dead.
Let’s go for it in the time that we have left on earth.

I can’t wait to see you Win,  Influence and Establish others.                           
Oluwatobiloba Oshunbiyi.

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