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Here is why..,
That idiot is had an encounter with the spirit realm, an encounter with the Spirit of God not mammon. He's firstly  sure who is master is as this is the secret to a lasting financial life and destiny.

.....for it is in the office of God by His Spirit to give you the power to make wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18 emphasis added) but you have to remember Him(God).

Without this power(to get wealth),  you will be connected to the right people,  right business or job yet not produce financial results.
Have you encountered God through his Spirit, the HolySpirit?

I discussed this at length in our financial series available in audio messages. Download these messages in the download page namely: Kingdom Finance, The Power to get Wealth 1 & 2.

Success as a whole is not just Spiritual, success is Supernatural.
The supernatural is the spiritual and the Intellectual together - the Spiritual as its background and the Intellectual as its platform.
Thus, finance which is a dimension  of success cannot just be spiritual, it’s definitely supernatural.

Here is the balance!
Even after an encounter with God,  finance can look mysterious still.
How come the idiot still gets rich is the simplest phrase to express your frustration and many times those we refer to are Non-Christians.
We are both Christians it’s Just that he is an idiot......You suspect he can do anything funny to make wealth.

Irrespective of the religious bias, Here is the reason:
  • That 'idiot' acknowledges that he knows nothing
  • He submits himself to learn
  • He is coachable
  • He has a mentor that is where he wishes to be
  • He follows instructions and bang!!!, he wins big!
while you think you know everything, you are arrogant towards learning, you are not open to seeing things from a different lens, you are stereotypical, self sufficient in your thoughts, no one is good enough to teach you anything because you know it all.

Secondly, while you were there second guessing, perusing and overanalysing, that idiot took massive action.

There you have the reasons why that idiot is rich and you are not.

My friend, old keys will never open new doors.
You can't create a solution with the same mind-set that created the problem.

The key is:
  • Be wealth-friendly 
  • Supernaturally thinking 
  • Stick with all the old money making rules(like taking a higher paying job to be able to save more money) and stay broke. Break them and get rich!
  • Be open to learning the new rules of money, ditch the old rules(religious) and you will win. 

Money is not earned through magic. It is a deliberate exercise of:
1. Investment, Firstly an encounter with God
2. A discovery of Purpose, Passion and Profession
3. Patience
4. Care
5. Accumulation of returns and Reinvestment

Blame no One For your Success or Failure in Life, Everything is up to you.....
Proverbs 22:2: God is not the maker of a rich or poor man. .. .. We make ourselves either rich or poor! 
There's no skill that you can't learn, there's no job that you can’t do – In all labour there is profit:(Proverbs 14:23),

But 90% of People have already destroyed their lives and their future by a financial mindset that looks emotional but not real!

Never permit a manipulation in your mind(life), because when your MIND is weak, a situation becomes difficult, and when your MIND is not balanced, the situation becomes a CHALLENGE.  But when your MIND is strong, that situation becomes an OPPORTUNITY.

Its all a MIND GAME, Be strong and achieve something today
- Ask me for trusted and proven opportunities,
Oluwatobiloba Oshunbiyi.

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