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At the very beginning of Jesus’ earthly ministry  Jesus tells of a great opportunity: God’s kingdom is within our reach. To enter the kingdom, however, we must go through a process of REPENTANCE and BELIEF.

Mark 1:14‭-‬15 KJV‬‬: Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God,  And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.

Through this process we learn how:
- To lay down our lives
- Pick up the cross
- Follow Jesus into the kingdom

These three highlights aren’t steps but a circle that represents our Journey into the kingdom of God and time: the kairos moments in our lives which is the portal through which we enter into Kingdom living.

What is a Kairos Moment? 
A portal (access) through which we enter into dimensions of results. It is a moment and moments defines time just like seasons define destiny.
Eg: Jesus’ death on the cross was not a last-ditch effort on God’s  part to save the world from its woes, This was His plan for bringing His kingdom to the earth.

Same with you and I – we all have our kairos moments but let me talk about the greatest of it all.

The Kingdom Life.   
God is not an absent ruler sending messages through His servants because He can’t be bothered to come himself. The ruler of the kingdom has come to us. He lives in our neighbourhood. He invites us to walk with him, to walk alongside him to sit at the supper table with him. And if we accept his invitation, He says we can live with him forever in His kingdom – starting today.

What a moment that will be?
No more waiting  for the taking up of the Saints in fear which is popularly known as rapture. Time doesn’t tell this, time reveals this moment. The access that we had, the portal that was opened to us. A kairos moment!

In the language of Jesus’ day, there are 2 primary words for time:
- Chronos
- Kairos
  • Chronos: refers to the chronological time, such as when you check the clock to see how long you have to wait for lunch or when you announce that “Dinner will be at 8’ O Clock”. Chronos is a potential  filled dimension of time and this means possibilities to me. 
  • Kairos on the other hand reveals an event that happened at a particular point in time. E.g if that 8’ O Clock dinner turns out to be the most fun you’ve had in a long time and you feel some relief from the pressures of your life,  then it becomes a kairos moment. Kairos refers to a significant event – good or bad that alters your life or best say re-defines your living. These are results! 
According to Wikipedia:
In the New Testament, "kairos" means "the appointed time in the purpose of God," the time when God acts (e.g. Mark 1:15: the kairos is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand). "Kairos" (used 86 times in the New Testament)[17] refers to an opportune time, a "moment" or a "season" such as "harvest time," [18] whereas "chronos" (used 54 times)[19] refers to a specific amount of time, such as a day or an hour (e.g. Acts 13:18and 27:9). Jesus makes a distinction in John 7:6 between "His" time and "His brothers'" time: paradoxically, it is "always" (Greekπάντοτε) his brothers' time. In the context, they can go to Jerusalem any time they wish.

Kairos moments may be positive or negative, but they are never neutral. By their very nature, Kairos moments make an impression on you!
These moments translates possibilities to realities which are called results in the world of men.
These moments define time. Time doesn’t change anything, it only reveals the moments that we have encountered, portals we have access, dimensions of Possibilities we now carry and the experiences we have to offer.

Kairos can make Chronos seem to stand still, till its moments come. This is one of the reason many say “I don’t have enough time”, “24 hours isn’t enough” etc. The day wasn’t defined, so it is not divine. Nothing was captured in the realms of eternity for humanity.. No access gained into the supernatural, No results birthed in the world of men. Then you can relate with the frustrations of such individuals retorting “Time will tell”...........

Moments give time a meaning such that the phrase “The time has come” or “Your time has come” is an expression of portals opened and access granted.

Let’s get it straight.
Time is your ability to tap into eternity to birth a reality to humanity!

Remeber Jesus said in Mark 1:14-15 . ...: the time is fulfilled... He was saying the Purpose is achieved, The destiny is realized. Thus,
Time is the currency of Destiny. 
We spend time on earth NOT money! 

Two words quickly: Repentance & Believe.
While Kairos is an event word -something  that has a beginning and an end,  Repent(Metanoia) is a process word and so is Believe(Pistis) which means Faith. That one do not enter the Kingdom life as a linear equation of Salvation to Heaven.

The lifestyle of the kingdom  is a circle. A process. One doesn’t become a citizen of the kingdom or a disciple of Jesus and stand still.
Kingdom living  is kingdom learning! 

This means continually repenting of the way we approach life. It means a change of heart. That having experienced a kairos moment in our lives,  then we begin the process of repentance. But real living doesn’t occur until we move through the belief process – initiating a plan for which we are accountable and that changes not just our actions but our lives.

Daniel 2:19‭-‬22 NIV: During the night the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision. Then Daniel praised the God of heaven and said: “Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his.  He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.  He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him.‬‬

Hope this helps improve your journey to destiny?

Reach me for Time – related issues,
Oluwatobiloba Oshunbiyi.

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