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There is a kingdom which transcend beyond kingdoms that are bound by time, which is ruled by vanity. This Kingdom is void of human corruption, absent of pain and hatred. This Kingdom is eternal and sovereign.
It is known as the Kingdom of God.

Before we move further, let's get an understanding of the word "Kingdom."
What is it about?
In understanding the concept of Kingdom, it is needed for one to have the Kingdom mindset. A kingdom mindset knows what the kingdom is and how it functions down here on planet earth. In accordance to Oxford dictionary meaning, the Kingdom is the spiritual reign or authority of God. During Jesus' ministry on earth, he illustrated to us what his kingdom is.

Jesus never preached or taught on healing. He never held programs to raise money. Jesus was obedient to his father and stayed on course with the message. Everywhere Jesus went, people were delivered.
Jesus focused more on his teaching about the Kingdom and he gave parables to better communicate his speaking into the minds of his listeners.

1. It is not a geographical realm with clearly defined boundaries, such as those that separate Nigeria from Benin republic and Ghana. The Kingdom, therefore, is not to be identified with any one nation or political body Luke17:20-21.

2.The Kingdom of God is not that place we call heaven - at least not yet!

3. The Kingdom of God is not the church. The church is the people through whom the reign of God's presence and power is made manifest.

4. The Kingdom is not a place. It is not a static thing, but a dynamic and living reign.
It is not an issue of land, but of Lordship!

5. The Kingdom is not about material prosperity but prosperity; "All other things shall be added unto you"(Matthew 6:33b)


1. The Kingdom of God is the presence of powerful lordship of the person of the King himself: Jesus! John 18:36

2. The Kingdom comes wherever Christ is acknowledge. It is known and seen as his subjects are saved, his enemies vanquish, and his ways are obeyed producing the Kingdom life!

3. The Kingdom of God is anywhere, anything, anyone over whom Jesus Christ exercises lordship.

4.The Kingdom is in power and not just in words.

5. The Kingdom is the King reigning in men through our hearts and minds. Luke 17:20-21

Looking critically to the book of Daniel, we can essentially connote the graphical picture of this everlasting kingdom known as the kingdom of God.

Daniel was a devoted man and a man of influence, who was unsatisfied with what easily diverts men's attention from God.
He was a respected, influential entity in an empire that can be referred to as the Utopia of the world at that time; Babylon.
This man filled with burden, navigated into eternity and stumbled on something so vast and ambiguous. His prayer caused ripples in the spirit of the most powerful man at that time; King Nebuchadnezzar and this led to a dream that dived across time (Daniel 2).

In this dream, we see an enormous, dazzling statue, awesome in appearance which represented Empires and Kingdoms of men. Expatiating on the figures, we are going to see what each of these parts of this figure represents:

1. The head of Gold: Daniel 2:38, tells us that this head of Gold, was Nebuchadnezzar (Babylon).

2. The chest and arm of silver: Daniel 2:39, this part reviewed the Medo-Persian Empire. This empire was glorious in its time, it was also known as the Achaemenid Empire (550BC- 330BC). This empire was forged by Cyrus the great; its domain spanned over 3 continents: Asia, Africa and Europe.

3. The belly and thigh of bronze: 
Daniel 2:39, this part represented the Greek Empire (Greece). Movies helped to capture a myopic, graphic picture of the beauty of the Greek culture.
Ancient Greece is considered by most historians to be the foundational culture of Western Civilization. Greek culture was a powerful influence in the Roman Empire, which carried a version of it to many parts of Europe. Ancient Greek Civilization has been immensely on language,politics, educational systems, philosophy,sport (Olympics),art,and architecture of the modern world.

4. The legs of Iron: Daniel 2:40; And the fourth kingdom [Rome] shall be strong as iron, since iron breaks to pieces and subdues all things; and like iron which crushes, it shall break and crush all these. You see that the fourth kingdom that emerged was the Roman Empire. Rome was as strong as iron, it broke nations and subdued them; As iron wears out as it breaks things, so as Rome was broken as it broke nations. The once great empire of Rome was broken into fragments known as the feet of iron and clay.

5. The feet of Iron and Clay: Daniel 2:41-43; Reveals to us that the legs of Iron was divided into feet's of Iron and Clay. Roman Empire was divided into 2 parts/provinces: Western Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Empire. From these provinces encompasses the Eastern Roman Empire, Kingdom of Italy, Kingdom of the Visigoths, Kingdom of the Vandals, Kingdom of the Romans, Kingdom of the Moors and Romans, Alamannia, Armorica, Sub-Roman Britain. Countries of today that were parts of the Roman Empire are Algeria,Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Hungary, Italy, Jersey, Liechtenstein, Libya, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Morocco, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Tunisia, United Kingdom, and Vatican City.

Looking from Daniel 2:44-45, we see that a stone cut without hands, descended upon this statue, and destroyed it and then this stone became a mountain.

Daniel by revelation, told us that this stone was the kingdom of God that later became the mountain that filled the whole earth. Notice that the kingdom started out as a stone, like a small seed that men in their own understanding will see insignificant, but this stone grew into a mountain which was immovable and it filled the entire earth.

There is a kingdom that wasn't built by man, but by God. Jesus said, "I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it." (Matthew 16:18)

There is an eternal kingdom and it calls for men of all status to be a partaker,men who are ready to align to bring this light to every sector of the economy. Jesus said,"Occupy till I come." (Luke 19:13)

The question is, Are you a kingdom ambassador ? Are you a dispenser of his glory? The spirit and the bride say, "come."

Remember; the law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it. (Luke 16:16)

There is a CALL unto the Kingdom and not religion; will you listen and heed?

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