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Revelation 22:14
Blessed are those who do the commandments that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city.

Any man that keeps the commandments of God opens himself up to the right to the tree of life that he may find himself eating of that tree.

There is a force of creation, and one of the factors that you must get correctly is COMMANDMENTS.

Commandments are God’s word to a man. They are the very element used by God to make covenants with men. It is the first dimension in the ordinance cycle.

What then is ordinance?
Ordinance is simply the embodiment of the codes of creation. It is ordinance that makes LAWS.

There are two dimensions of laws.
1. Spiritual laws and
2. Natural laws
These two dimensions merge into what is called PRINCIPLES.

Principles are bodies of laws (spiritual and natural laws) with God's integrity on them.
Everything is built by laws; governed by principles and activated by the KEYS of the kingdom.

Keys open the earth realm for realities of ordinances, thus, There is a key to each dimension of life and until the keys opens the earth realm, there is no participation in the spirit realm. It takes a key to unlock laws, but you need STRATEGIES to manifest it.


In following or pursuing God, the first entity we meet is God. Roots are taken downward and fruits are bore upward in the realm of the spirit. So, in life, we grow horizontally and in God, we grow vertically.

God doesn’t break processes!
Thus, there is a pathway in God and understanding these five dimensions of intelligence leads to balance.

Your spiritual intelligence defines your specialty.

Do you understand the intelligence of spirituality?
Do you know that your life can be plotted?
Are you living the God-life?
Do you understand the ordinance cycle?

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