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Romans 11:29
[29] For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. 

Notice the word "GIFTS" here is plural, while the word "CALLING" being singular.
There is only one calling!
There is no higher or lesser call than the other.

Although, this does not disregard the fact that there are some people specially reserved and set in the body as offices. This calling is to grow into the stature of the Christ.  It was the Lord who went down beyond and gave gifts unto men.

Remember, the Law of giving;
And so, Christ himself being the embodiment of the 5-fold gave of himself. In following Christ, as you keep growing through into the template of the Christ - in maturity and stature, you will begin to experience the 5-fold (apostolic, prophetic, evangelical, pastoral, and teaching) ministry in your life.

The gifts are for all to profit withal, it is not the inheritance of any man.

We do not just have gift; we are all gifts and on the basis of that, God does not expect us to be who we are not!

Religiously, the 5-fold has been taught to be actually represented just in church. But on the fact that religion is one of the spheres of influence in cosmos (the world), it should export the 5-fold(Men as gifts) into the world, birthing the representation of the 5-fold and His(Christ's) presence in other spheres of influence.

The offices in the body are the systems that should export the gifts from the body of Christ to the world to make all the kingdom of world become the kingdom of our Lord. But unfortunately, there has been an hijack by Satan through religion.

Due to lack of export, men have been set in a wrong place and this causes chaos in the world of men at large.

Man has two sides of creation.
1. The spiritual creation (a spirit) and
2. Biological creation (a body).
These two dimensions makes "who a man is".
If all you do is to interact with a man physically, you will definitely lose out!

Men are ladders and they have the ability in bringing you to their realms. Whatever a man desires is already on Earth, especially things created by man eg money. The things man didn't create are stored in him!

Apostle Paul was speaking in the book of Ephesians of how a body of knowledge was given to him and him only, revealing the grace upon his life by virtue of the gift of Christ in Ephesians 3: 1-9.

Gifts are function of Graces and Men can only impart graces not anointing.

2 Peter 1:2 
[2] Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord,

From this scripture, we see the possibility of grace being multiplied through the knowledge of God. There is a body of information of God that must be exhausted and these Information are with men!

Below is an illustration that reveals the depth of each ministries.

Do you understand men and their ministries?
Do you know how to properly discern men?
Have you found your area of gifting?
Did you know that you have been called as system of export to represent Christ in your sphere?

Download THE MINISTRIES OF MEN 2 with the buttons below:

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