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Have you ever wondered why God will not honour the words of certain men and honour that of another?
Have you ever thought about something  like this or experienced this:
The Bible says .....You shall lay your hands upon the sick and they will recover (Mark 16:18b). You laid your hands and instead of a recovery, you found a discovery – that the man is not healed and the sickness/disease has back-fired. This can be painful......  until a young man comes and at the sound of his voice, the infirmity flees.
Has this ever bothered you?
Or that a man speaks into existence instantly what you have been begging God for with fasting and prayers.


I bring you a mystery today!

In the last post, I indicated how men of God have been worshiped due to a mystery in their hands.  This mystery is what I am unveiling today – The Mystery of His presence.

When a man has this mystery in his hands, it makes it look before many people that he is lifting himself above the congregation of the Lord who are holy too as Korah, Datan and Abiram reports against Moses and Aaron in Numbers 11:1-4.

You need to press a little to study this passage to discover in verses 19-22 that: The glory and brilliance of the Lord appeared to all the congregation.
- Take note again that this is not the presence of the Lord. I mean this is not the operation(mystery) behind the presence of the Lord. It is the reward of His presence. The glory and brilliance is a bye-product and it appeared to the whole congregation (as the Lord of the whole earth: nothing personal).
The mystery is in verse 20: an instruction came that will produce another effect(bye-product) for the congregation to see shortly. ...... Separate yourself from among this congregation, so that I may consume them immediately.
Of a truth when this was done, the ground swallowed up Korah,  Datan and Abiram!
- They all saw it, but that wasn’t the operation! There was a mystery behind this.

What then is the Mystery?
Number 17:1-8

Here lies the mystery:
In verse 7: And Moses laid up the rods before the Lord in the tabernacle of witness.
- There was a laying before the Lord that I have defined as: STAYING!
The mystery of His presence is a derivative of staying.

The rod stayed not Moses, so we know where to expect effects from.  The rod just like any other rod must have dried up(Relate this with the rods of men that flock sheep’s or herd cows). But the staying did something not just to a lifeless rod but a dried rod.
The rod stayed and in the morrow – behold, the rod was:
Brought forth buds
Bloomed blossoms
Yielded Almonds

A lot of us only visit the secret place on the testimony of the Men of God we listen to.  E.g. I wake up in the midnight for six hours in the secret place, I speak in tongues ten hours daily,  I fast twenty-one days a month etc. All these are great other than most times it is a personal experience of the Man of God.
- It is the knowing we discussed in the first part of this article. The rod of Aaron budded as that wasn’t the first time the rod was exposed to such realms of glory.
Yes....  I said the rod,  because the rod was symbolic of Aaron himself!
Thus, Consistency is the Key and Staying is the protocol. And this is the Mystery!

Back to what I started with:
........You shall lay hands on the sick and they will recover .
When you have stayed and the reading of that scripture has become a leading!
- When you have stayed and the gift of the Holy-spirit(which is personal to some extent)  buds to produce ministry gifts (the gifts of healing).

Then like our men of God: you can be strong and do exploits because you have stayed and known(intercourse) and He is now ‘your God’ NOT our God. And the congregation of men will marvel at your results – the rewards of His presence.
Dear reader,  I challenge you today to go back to the secret place on His terms and not your own terms nor based on the conditions you have heard. Be sure you are sent, before you go ye into the world. Be sure you have budded ministry gifts before you attempt to minister. The mystery of His presence!

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