- To manipulate is to negotiate, control or influence for one’s advantage.
It’s all about using people to achieve the desired outcome.
Manipulation is more than being selfish or being self-centred. It is self-seeking!
On a daily basis even the best of us is manipulated spiritually, emotionally, financially and beyond, yet we seem to be satisfied claiming to find our way around it.
This post aims to open your eyes to the very tricky ways manipulations take effect in our Emotional life through relationships, Financial life through money(the most common and least means of exchange) and the very spiritual manipulation you do not think exist.
There are instructions that should guide how a believer should act morally(take note) and if we will look deeply into this, we will see the simplicity that manipulation can result from self and not necessarily witchcraft as popularly alleged.
The scriptures give a basic instruction to every individual:
Philippians 2:3 – let nothing be done through strife/vain-glory, but in loneliness of mind let each esteem others better than theirselves.
- this is a revelation anyone of us can fall into the trap of manipulation and become the manipulator unknowingly.
The Bible further taught us how to judge moves by men, you have just refused to see it. See the simplicity in this and don’t confuse this with discernment(the gift of the Spirit; discerning of Spirits).
- Galatians 2:4 – and that because of false brethren(men that refused to follow the scripture above but are yet spiritual: tongue talking, consistent in church activities) unawares brought in, who came in to privily spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might into bondage. [emphasis added]
- For ye suffer, if a man bring you into bondage, if a man devour[you], if a man take[of you], if a man exalt himself, if a man smite you on the face. (2 Corinthians 11:20)
And for those among us(men) that have chosen manipulations, to be manipulators:
1 Thessalonians 4:6 – and that no man transgress and defraud his brother in the matter because the Lord is the avenger in all these things, just as we also told you before and solemnly warned you.
Manipulators: This is who they are!
- Manipulation is the act of insisting on getting it’s own way, regardless of what the other person needs.
Manipulation is an unwillingness to let go and let God. It is utilizing the power of the flesh rather than trusting in God’s power. It seeks ones glory, vindication or some similar benefits for self rather than the wellness of the other person.
Thus, the only evidence of a manipulator is: Self-Centredness leaving the other party with a lack of choice!
Even Jesus Christ our Lord gave us a choice.
- I set before you life and death, choose one ( Deuteronomy 30:15-20)
- We are constrained in the Kingdom but not by legalism. It’s the love of God that constrains us.
So when we give ourselves uncomfortable boundaries e.g. fasting and prayers, it is a resultant effect of the Love shed abroad in our hearts. It is not as if God took away the power to choose. After all, the proof of obedience is when you are given the opportunity to disobey!

Emotional Manipulation: The test of all relationships to see the signs of manipulation is to give a man or woman access into your life and see if they trample on the power of your choice.
- Give them your love with a choice: see if they come back or not.
This define who they are!
Therefore, any relationship whether marital, love relationships, business relationship or employer-employee relationship that attempts to extract the power of choice is a manipulation!
It becomes witchcraft when you are aware and still choose to control the other person!
Financial Manipulation: Avoid jobs/business relationships that exploits you till you are used. NOT till you feel used. (it’s normal to feel used once you are in active use). I am talking about employments or businesses that do not cause you to appreciate NOT ones that do not appreciate you.
This is a clear sign of financial manipulation.
Spiritual Manipulation: is a technique used by some abusive churches and preferably cult groups to control individuals and acquire gain all the while giving the impression that their teachings are based on the Bible.
- Churches in this category take scriptures out of context in order to support their beliefs without a witness in your spirit not the testimony of Jesus Christ.
- Churches in this category launch half truths; scriptures are most times lifted to authorize their messages and not God’s idea nor the Kingdoms portrait on such subjects.
- The leadership in this category tells you what to give (offerings, seeds etc.)
Spiritual manipulators during a conversation between Christians, will say: “The Lord has told me this and that....... “. This phrase is potentially positioned to shut down the other party in the conversation because since God has spoken a word, there shouldn’t be any further discussions.
Do not be fooled, be wise to know when it’s manipulations and avoid manipulators at your best.
With Kingdom love,
Oluwatobiloba Oshunbiyi.
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